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Dilaudid Questions including "Is haldol a.Dilaudid 4 Mg - Topics - The People's.
hydromorphone (dilaudid) and oxymorphone.
4mg Dilaudid Vs 80 Mg Oxycontin Er Filed in Dilaudid Hello~I'm on oxy 80's and dilaudid 4mgs which are prescribed for back pain. The oxys alone don't help at all.
I asked this question a couple nights ago but now can't find it. So here I go again. I've used Vicodin (6-10 pills a day for a year) following surgery with painful
I was on percocet for a long time. I had routine blood work done for my yearly physical). My doctor then switched me over to Dilaudidnow I am taking oxycodone
skittles1 wrote: I have rehumatoid Arthritis, & been diagnosed with it, for almost 5 yrs, & so far nothing works for my pain. Not Ibuprophen, Tylenol #3 or #4
i was involved in a motorcycle accident 3 almost 4 yrs ago. i fractured 3 verts and broke my neck. c5 and 6 are mildly spurred according to the radiologist.
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