Doing too much meth

CRYSTAL METH USE CAN HAVE DISTURBING SIDE EFFECTS, ACCORDING TO HEALTH-CARE WORKERS AND COUNSELLORS. A new story out of Canada discusses the use of methamphetamine Taking Too Much Sudafed Harm reduction tips
Schizophrenia Daily News Blog: Crystal.
I was paying $25 per 1/4, $50 per 1/2, $100 per gram, too. This was in the mid to late 1990's. In the Pacific NW area. I imagine it's different regionally, and
How Much Is Meth injecting crystal meth
Hello all! Flloyd here with some beginners questions about crank. First of all, how much on average does meth cost per gram, and how to not get burned when procuring
Amphetamine > Methamphetamine Hi everyone- Well, my green parrot (MGP) has decided that tomorrow is the day to try Don't try it for the first time is my
Opinions - First time doing Meth,.
Ok, i'm not going to try to lecture you or anything, but just think about what your doing, injecting meth is very dangerous and you should have a high tollerance
How much does meth cost? in Archives.
Ok, so you've weighed up the things you like about meth against the things you don't like so much, and you've decided to keep using for the time being.

Doing too much meth Harm reduction tipsDoing too much meth
Opinions - First time doing Meth,. I just came upon this site. I have been sober gfor a few days now, but I am not sure how long I can last. I feel so much anger building inside me.